Friday, January 15, 2010

Molly Pitcher Stitcher Charity Projects

We are a busy group. Our current projects:
Charity block of the month (each month there is a pieced and an applique block) plus the string quilted block which is collected all year. These are collected to assemble into lap sized quilts for children. Also this year we are making lap quilts for veterans.
Charity race: Twice a year, during regular meetings, members bring supplies (iron/ironing mat, rotary cutter/mat or sewing machine) and form teams. We are given fabric and instructions by the charity coordinators and "race" to see which team can complete the quilt top in the shortest time. Every year, this evening provides us with at least 10 quilt tops which are later sandwiched, quilted and added to the charity quilt distribution.
Preemie quilts: These tiny quilts (14x17) are used to brighten up the isolets of preemies and hopefully will give their anxious parents something cheery to look at while the wait. About 350 babies go through each neo-natal unit per year and there are several in New Jersey. Other sizes requested are: 18x30; 24x30, and 34x36.
Pillowcases: Sew standard pillowcases in happy child-friendly fabrics. Pre-wash and package in individual quart-sized zipper bags. These are delivered to local hospitals for children undergoing treatment.
Teddy bears: Each year we receive new plush teddy bears from the Salvation Army, which we dress in a variety of clothing - some members knit sweaters, some sew dresses or tops and pants, some purchase clothing sets on sale in local craft stores. These are given to Family and Children's Services of Monmouth County to be distributed at Christmas. Last year (2009) we dressed over 200 bears.
Current needs: Donations are needed of child-friendly quilt shop quality cotton fabrics, especially in sizes for backings and borders; cotton or polyester batting in lap quilt or preemie quilt sizes; completed quilt blocks to assemble into kits; and of course, we are always happy to accept completed quilts!

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